Reading Challenge

Swifties Eras Ghosts Reading Challenge

October is going to be an exciting month for all my fellow Swifties! The Eras Tour is coming to theaters October 13th, and 1989 Taylor’s Version is dropping October 27th. So I decided to celebrate with a Swiftie-themed bingo reading challenge.

You don’t need to be a Swiftie to participate. I purposely made the prompts broad, so you can read whatever genre you want as long as it fits the prompt. So without further ado, here is the bingo board!

I don’t have a square for Debut as there are only nine squares on the bingo board. I feel like Debut fits pretty well into Fearless, so you can read an extra book with a rural setting as a bonus if you’d like.

I’ll be sharing all my reads on Instagram, so follow me there if you want to see my picks. (I’ll also be posting on Litsy. If you haven’t heard about that app, you can find out more here.) If you post on social media, use #erasghostsbingo and tag me, so I can see what you are reading.

Which prompt is your favorite? What are books are you going to read? Let me know in the comments!

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