Readathons, Reading Challenge

Bookish Move It May Challenge

I’m bringing back #bookishmoveitmay again! It’s a pretty laid back challenge – read what you want and move in whatever way you like best: swimming, dancing, walking, yoga, aerobics ect.

Simply put:

🦋Set a reading goal. It can be in pages, min/hours read, or number of books read.

🦋Set a movement goal. Any kind of movement you want to do, just determine for how long and how many times a week.

🦋And I made a bingo board just for fun!

Feel free to screenshot and share graphics with #bookishmoveitmay 🙂 I’ll be sharing my progress over on Instagram if you want to follow along.

🦋What’s your favorite kind of exercise? Let me know in the comments!🦋 

I love swimming and dancing.😄

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